Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Carolyn Braden's Curtain Dilemma Solved With Pinterest

Our bathroom is functional after gutting and renovating it. Since we replaced a traditional tub with a claw foot tub, I had to choose a way to hang a shower curtain. After consulting a Google search and pinning all the ideas to Pinterest, I easily came to a resolution. I decided on buying two curtains and will hang them above the tub, splitting them open like regular curtains to display the tub. I chose a curtain from Amazon that has many colors. The photo is below. It is by Waverly. It gives me many options for towel colors and for artwork for the walls.
Follow me on Pinterest (carolynjbraden) to see the websites for the other photos. I especially love the ocean colored ruffle curtain. Believe it or not, it's a DIY curtain!